
Welcome Back!
Welcome out of summer and into fall (though it’s still HOT here in MA!)

Visit the Forest!
What if you only have 24 hours in the Jakar Forest? Here’s the itinerary for you. Enjoy and, as always, please read because your life may just depend on it!

Visit Jakar!
The Jakar community resides in the desert, but it’s most certainly NOT deserted! What if you only have 24 hours in Jakar? Here’s the itinerary for you. Enjoy and, as always, please read because your life may just depend on it!

Visit Camouraska!
Have you ever wanted to know how Camouraska lives and breathes? Here’s the premier itinerary when you visit. Enjoy and, as always, please read because your life may just depend on it!

Savor the Moments
Here’s my attempt at a blog post after a series of 1) easy-to-write, 2) fun, and 3) creativity-juice-flow-starting character interviews! I hope future blog posts aren’t as dumpter-fire-y. It was fun to write, and please seize the day!! And, as always, please read because your life may just depend on it!

Meet Maccus
Here’s my LAST interview of my characters from my debut novel “Obsidian”!! It’s been a pleasure trying to wring out some information for you all, my readers, and I hope you enjoyed these deep dives into the personal bubbles of my fictional characters. And, as always, please read because your life may just depend on it!

Meet Simon
Simon is a GHOST!! Join me, John Walters, as I interview another character in my debut novel “Obsidian”! Your life may just depend on it!

Meet Mordune
Mordune is another Gardonan, a giant from “Obsidian.” Join me, John Walters, as I interview another character in my debut novel “Obsidian”! Your life may just depend on it!

Meet Zahra
Zahra is another mysterious character in “Obsidian.” Join me, John Walters, as I interview another key character in my debut novel “Obsidian”! Your life may just depend on it!

Meet Bahij
Bahij is a Gardonan living in Camouraska and plays a large part in “Obsidian.” Join me, John Walters, as I interview another key character in my debut novel “Obsidian”! Your life may just depend on it!

Meet Valdesha
Valdesha is the leader of Camouraska and plays a large part in “Obsidian.” Join me, John Walters, as I interview another key character in my debut novel “Obsidian”! Your life may just depend on it!

Meet Shopnil
Shopnil is Michael’s friend in “Obsidian” and lives in Camouraska. Join me, John Walters, as I interview another key character in my debut novel “Obsidian”! Your life may just depend on it!

Meet Jimmy
Camouraska is Michael’s friend and another character in “Obsidian.” He’s snarky, so get ready for a spicy interview! Join me, John Walters, as I interview another key character in my debut novel “Obsidian”! Your life may just depend on it!

Meet Camouraska
Camouraska is an alien from Ralga and is another important character in “Obsidian.” It surprised me in the studio, and I can’t wait to share what we discussed! Join me, John Walters, as I interview another key character in my debut novel “Obsidian”! Your life may just depend on it!

Meet Mariam
Mariam is from Jakar and is another important character in “Obsidian.” She’s another leader in Jakar, and she has some spicy things to say about the prophecy. Lots o’ intrigue!! Join me, John Walters, as I interview another key character in my debut novel “Obsidian”! Your life may just depend on it!

Meet Shataym
Shataym is from Jakar and is another important character in “Obsidian.” He’s the leader of the Jakar people and has a lot to say about life in the desert. Intrique central!! Join me, John Walters, as I interview another key character in my debut novel “Obsidian”! Your life may just depend on it!

Meet Charlize
Charlize is from Ralga and is another important character in “Obsidian” and “Dark Salvation.” She’s an Honor Guard who doesn’t believe in the prophecy and is wary of Michael. Intrique central!! Join me, John Walters, as I interview another key character in my debut novel “Obsidian”! Your life may just depend on it!

Meet Jabesh
Jabesh is from Ralga and is another important character in “Obsidian” and “Dark Salvation.” Where is he ACTUALLY from and why should we care? Join me, John Walters, as I interview another key character in my debut novel “Obsidian”! Your life may just depend on it!