“And Then It Snowed”

“I remember being so happy the first day I made a miniature tree out of the Energite when I was three. Each branch held tiny leaves, and a little bird sat at the top. My parents were amazed at my work of art, saying they had never seen anyone so young use the Energite the way I could. Then, they sat me down and told me never to take Energite from other people’s homes. Don’t make weapons. Don’t throw the Energite. I remember that lecture like it was yesterday. Even with the rules, they still didn’t have all the answers. Energite is more mystery than anything else. We were never given a straight answer from anyone. Not our family. Not our neighbors. Not the leaders in the city.

Now as I write this, 10 years later, I hate it with everything inside me. I hate the feelings the Energite show me. The visions I see. What it did to my family. We didn’t know what Energite was capable of. Now we know.

Where you can find it: still under revision, but hopefully sometime soon!


“Dear Shimmer,

You are cordially invited to your Adult Repurposing Ceremony. It will take place on Friday, May 25th, 2450 at 11 A.M. Please bring this invitation along with a copy of your Teen Repurposing Certificate, which you should have received after your last Repurposing…Please be advised that if you fail to show to either the Soiree or Ceremony, you will be in violation of Constitutional Amendment Number 31, which is a felony.


The Repurposers of Cupernica”

Where you can find it: still under revision, but hopefully sometime soon!

“Life Giving”

“Stories filter back into my memory. Of the fall of civilization, the shutting down of the major cities, of the financial bubble bursting. All in the space of a short window of time, nature revolted. Our fighting systems strapped because of resources, money, or plain human greed, the Verdants held the upper hand quickly. The elders said they had never seen nature grow that fast, like time had sped up, only for them.”

Where you can find it: still under revision, but hopefully sometime soon!


A Corrupted Truth